Monday, June 10, 2013

What to do with all those digital photos?

In this digital era where we constantly have access to digital cameras and even cell phone cameras, it can get overwhelming to have so many pictures on your computer. What should you do with all of those pictures?

When my daughter was a baby, I spent many hours making lovely scrapbooks with layers of beautiful paper framing each carefully selected picture. At the time, it was a labor of love and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But, as we welcomed our son into the family his scrapbooks were a little less ornate. After a couple of years of trying to keep up with getting the pictures into the scrapbook, I simply became overwhelmed.

Then, I found a great solution for our family. I began making digital "yearbooks" for our favorite family pictures from that year. I even take pictures of the kids artwork or fun little notes to include. I enjoy making these so much. With the small size that I choose, they do not add any clutter to our house as well. Since, I love taking pictures especially on vacations, I have made a separate vacation book for just those pictures. So, I can shoot away and feel artsy on our trips.

We use a company called Blurb to make our books and we have been thrilled with the quality of the product we've received. (I am not sponsored or endorsed by this company) I've been able to customize the book to my liking and add text as I wish. Of course, there are many online companies that offer this service.

Here are a few examples of our family Blurb books:

Of course, we don't use all of the pictures we've taken in that year for our book, so we will archive all of them on external harddrives that can be accessed as needed. I have a friend who makes a yearly book then transfers all of the picture onto a disc that is stored in their safety deposit box, a great idea. 

I hope this helps you get your digital pics off of the computer!

Have a blessed day!


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