Wednesday, May 25, 2011

On Trusting God

Last year at this time I was feeling apprehensive. You see, it was getting close to time to decide on schooling for my five year old daughter. I stressed over this decision. Private school wasn’t an option, I just didn’t feel that homeschooling was the route for us, so that left public school.

While I had only heard positive things about our small town elementary school, I wasn’t connected in this community. So I would be sending her off to a place where I knew basically no one. The other option was to spend a little bit of money and get her transferred to a public school in a town that I was more connected in.

Of course, I prayed and had wise friends praying...God consistently told me and my friends that she was to go to school at the public school we are zoned for. Even up until two weeks before school, I hadn’t made a decision and I couldn’t sleep. Once I finally surrendered to God and decided to put her in our public school, I felt at peace. I trusted God and put my daughter in his hands.

Who could have known (other than God) that this year of kindergarten would literally change everything for our family. We became connected in our community and went from discontentment to a real feeling of belonging and pride in our small town. We met wonderful God-loving families and were led to a wonderful church where our family’s faith has grown tremendously.

I’ve watched my sweet girl blossom and grow. She was placed with a young and enthusiastic teacher, who obviously is passionate and good at her job. She’s made wonderful friends and even learned compassion and love for some special needs children in her class.

She’s learned to read and write, but more importantly she’s asked Jesus to come into her heart. This has all happened as a result of our trust in God and putting her into His hands.

I’m not saying that public school is right for everyone, but what I am saying is that if you trust and follow God then you will be in the right place, wherever that may be.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. God is faithful! What a great post about trusting his prompting. So hard to do many times...thanks for reminding us of this truth!

  2. Public school served me well. Every schooling choice has its pros and cons, of course, but I am a living testament that faith in Christ can take root, grow, and thrive in the midst of public school education.

    By praying and seeking wise counsel for the decision for this unique child and entrusting her again, you did the most important thing.

    May the Lord continue to bless this decision and make your family a lighthouse for Him in the school.

  3. Christina and Tinuviel,
    Thanks for the kind words and encouragement! They are appreciated!

  4. I remember well those few weeks last year. Your faith and ability to hear God's voice was and is an inspiration to me.


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