Friday, April 29, 2011

Things I Didn't Know

When I married my man eight years ago here are a few things I didn't know:

How to run the dishwasher. That's right, I had no clue. I called Matt at work and he gave me step-by-step instructions on how to make it work. Someone at his work overheard this conversation and asked, "Did you just tell someone how to run a dishwasher?" His response was "Yes, that is the woman I just married." I'm sure he was so proud!

How to boil water. I know, pretty bad, right! Well, I decided to call my sister on this one. I'm sure she got a good laugh, but proceeded to walk me through the process of making water boil.

How to do laundry. Well, I figured out the laundry thing pretty well, but I had no idea that you have to empty the dryer lint regularly. You should have seen Matt's face as he pulled the thing out after probably months of not being cleaned, picture a small blanket, pretty funny.

How to cook. Let's just say my first attempt at cooking left the house smelling like burnt rubber and me quickly telling Matt we should go out for dinner. The burnt rubber was supposed to be orange chicken from the easy four ingredient cookbook. Perhaps, more instructions were needed.

I'm sure you're wondering why I didn't know any of these things. Well, I either lived in the dorm or the sorority house in college. Right after college I went straight on tour playing golf professionally, basically living in a hotel room or at my parents' house. My sweet mom who exemplifies a "servant's heart" took care of everything for me, so I could live my dream.

Pretty ironic that I am now writing a blog about home managing, don't you think? You've gotta love this life, you never know where God is gonna to take you!

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