Friday, July 29, 2011

Where I've Been?

If you've followed my blog for any length of time, then you know I've gone from a new post just about everyday to pretty much disappearing from cyberspace. Perhaps, you're wondering if I got into some closet-cleaning mishap?

So, here's the skinny. My wonderful smallish church family happened to be in need of an interim children's minister. This is currently a volunteer position and it was clear that God had placed me there to fill this role. As you might imagine, even though this is a small church, it's located in a community with no shortage on people of the pint-size variety, so this proved to be a big job. Perhaps, a bigger job than my capabilities, seeing as I've never done anything like this.

“God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.” -origin unknown

Whatever I've done in my life, if I am going to do something I go "all in" and with all my heart. A testement to that would be achieving some goals like a full-scholarship or playing golf on the LPGA Tour, not trying to brag here, just point out that I'm not afraid of little hard work and I want to do the best I can.

Since I do have a tendency to go "all in", I can also go overboard and burn myself out. I was feeling a little overwhelmed and over-sensitive last Sunday morning when my pastor pointed out in a gentle way that I'm not doing this for "Jennifer" but for God and that these little children get a chance to learn about Jesus. Yes, indeed that was what I needed to hear.

This week I stumbled across the sweetest little book called Heaven is for Real. I don't want to give too much away, but the book is about a little boy who has had a supernatural experience that included a visit to heaven. He continually told his parents that Jesus wanted him to tell them how much he loves the little children. This completely changed my perspective on the job I'm currently called to do and gave me a renewed excitement. Read this book, it is so precious and encouraging.

I also looked up a verses about children in the Bible. Yes, He absolutely loves the little children and this is important work in His kingdom. 

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

On many levels, this has been such a rewarding experience for me. I've had to rely on God and no surprise here, He's come through every time! I don't think it is my calling long term, but I do think I will be a much better volunteer after this experience and perhaps a better parent, as well. 

Strangely, this has also been probably the toughest time in my life health wise. I've always suffered from migraine headaches, but lately they have shifted into another gear altogether. I even had one that basically wiped a week off the books for me. Fortunately, I have gotten some answers on the cause and hope that these are only a temporary result from an underlining problem. Of course, I know in the big scheme of things, my health is great, but pain is pain and it sure isn't fun when you are dealing with it.

Overall, I am so thankful, in some ways it's been a hard eucharisteo and at others it's been the sweetest, but whichever it is, I have no doubt that God is using these experiences to teach me some very important lessons. And I know I'm growing and on fire for Him, so I know that I am right where he wants me!

Thanks for stopping by, I am always honored that you are here. I will continue to be a little sporadic with my posts, but I so enjoy blogging so I won't be gone for too long!


  1. I've missed you. Sounds like you've been busy in a good way. I hope your headaches improve!


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