Monday, August 19, 2013

The Intentional Home, Week One: Monday

For an Introduction and Table of Contents for The Intentional Home, click Here.

Week One: Monday

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 
Genesis 1:3

The first thing I want you to do is go and open those blinds, drapes, curtains, whatever have you. Let some light in! Really, go do it right now. There, doesn’t that feel better? I always open up my fabulous “white faux wood two-inch blinds” every morning and just let that natural light shine in.

Now, take in your space. I want you to think about what you want to accomplish in the next seven weeks. Do you want to be able to invite friends over without worrying about what they will think of your messy nest? Do you want to just be able to enjoy your home and relax? Are you sick of all the clutter and want a clean clutter-free home? Do you just want the burdensome feeling of taking care of this home to go away?

How do you want your home to make you feel? I think we all yearn for a beautiful, peaceful space to not only be our home but our haven.

Today, I want you to write down exactly what it is that you want to accomplish in the next seven weeks. This is your mission statement. It’s not always going to be easy, so you need to know what your goal is when things get tough to keep pushing you forward.

An example of a mission statement might be: In seven weeks my home will be a beautiful clutter-free space that my whole family will enjoy. 

Once you get your mission statement written, put it somewhere that you will see often like on the fridge. I also want you to add this verse to the end of your mission statement. 

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Proverbs 14:1

Proverbs 14:1 will be our theme verse throughout the next seven weeks. Ladies, let’s build our house and stop tearing it down! We can do this!

Now, I want you to spend some time in prayer. Ask God to give you the time, energy and strength to make your home the haven that you desire. Thank Him for all the blessings in your life.

Today’s cleaning chore will be doing a load of laundry from the start to the finish. And by finish I mean putting the clean clothes where they belong. I recommend throwing the load in the washer right after you wake up. I do this right after my morning potty run and then get back in my bed for some quiet time and reading. This is the first chore that will be in our daily chores list. This list will grow as we continue on this journey together.


  1. Thank you and Hi from Australia - I love reading your blog!!! - have used so many of your ideas - and this one well its helped me already - got me to stop and pray this morning, gotta be a good thing. Thank you!! Tracey X

    1. Tracey, it's so great to hear from you and all the way from Australia! I'm so glad that you are finding the blog useful! Yes, stopping and praying is the most useful thing we can do, right! Have a great day and thank you for your comment! Jenn

  2. I started!!! Today is Day 1. I'm taking a trip to Canada in 3 weeks but that's all it takes to make a habit, so I'll pause during my trip & my home will be more intentional while I'm away from my hubby. Thank you so much for sharing Jen. Blessings

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you are starting! I hope it blesses you. Thank you for the extra nudge that I needed to write this book.


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