Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Intentional Home, Week One: Wednesday

For an Introduction and Table of Contents for The Intentional Home, click Here.

Week One: Wednesday

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

One issue that seems to create a messy bedroom is clothes not being dealt with properly. Do you have piles of dirty clothes in your bedroom? Or perhaps clean clothes tossed over a chair. Let’s end that habit right now! If you do have any clothes thrown about, take care of them now. Put the dirties in the laundry hamper and hang the clean clothes up.

Make a pact this minute that you will get in the habit of dealing with clothes as you are taking them off right away. Also, if you are in the habit of trying on three outfits to find the “right one” then make sure you put the clean clothes back right away. There’s nothing worse than having to re-wash clean clothes because they were left on the bed and ended up on the floor.

A common theme throughout this book will be to deal with the potential mess right then, before it gets started. By putting clothes away as you are changing, it will only take a second and prevent the potential big mess if you continue to neglect this task.

On the same note of doing things at the time they need to be done and not letting them build up, we'll add dishes to our daily chores. I’ve found a system that is working great for us. I empty the dishwasher every morning and put the dirty dishes back in after every meal or snack. Any other items that I don't want to put in the dishwasher like our good knives or pans, I wash and put those away after each meal. At night, I run the dishwasher and unload it in the morning.

Okay, tomorrow is when we are going to really start "digging in", getting rid of the clutter and beautifying your bedroom. If this sounds like a big job, then be sure and spend some time in prayer today!

Daily Chores:
One load of laundry from start to finish
Make your bed
Unload the dishwasher in the morning, load and run it at night

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