Monday, January 2, 2012

Adding Quiet Time

I shared with you my weekly to-do list yesterday. I feel like I was neglecting something very important, a daily quiet time. In my effort to "slow down" this year and be more intentional, I realize there is no better way to achieve this than to spend time daily reading my Bible.

There's one thing that I know about myself, I will almost always put off Bible study and put it behind so many other things. What I've decided to do is add it daily to my weekly to-do list. I am going to set a minimum time that I need to spend in the word each day. I plan on starting with a fairly short, doable time and then adding more time as I develop the habit. I have a little timer that I am going to use when I carve out my daily quiet time to make sure I am accountable, I'm guessing many times I won't be able to stop at 10 minutes!

Here is an updated weekly to-do list: