Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Paper Organizing System: No More Stacks!

Almost nothing stresses me out more, or makes a house look messier than stacks of papers lying around.

At times, I've had different ways of dealing with them, like having a basket to put paper in. But, that would just end up to be another stack of papers, just located in a basket. That's a step above the counter but it's still not a great solution.

I bought this little paper organizer about six months ago and it has really cleaned up my stacks of papers. You might remember this from Clutter Control: Kid's Schoolwork and Art. Another good option is an accordion style organizer. You can tailor the dividers for whatever fits your needs. I have the dividers labeled:

Haley Schoolwork and Art
Important School Papers
Bills to Pay
Weekly Menu Plans
Important Papers
Harrison's Folder
Church Stuff
Follow-up Folder

This needs to be in a location where you go through mail and backpacks. I have it in my laundry room, which would be my command center. It is located right off my kitchen, so I go through Haley's folder and the mail each day on my counter. Then I immediately put the papers into their home, which is also the recycle bin a lot of times.  

If you do this on a daily basis, then you won't have the stacks of papers that build up and can become a daunting task.

I go through the organizer as needed, but at least once a month. I actually don't pay the bills. So, I put those in this orange basket located on Matt's dresser along with any mail that is for him. This way Matt has any mail specific to him in a place where he can easily access it.

We also have a file cabinet and I will take another post to go over that with you. I hope this simple solution helps clear off your counters or desk!


  1. I have the same problem, the piles just seem so overwhelming sometimes! I started up a system like this awhile back and when I used it, it was great! lol You post is inspiring me to get back to it!

  2. Great, Christine! You've got it, the systems are great, but we have to make ourselves stick with them!

  3. Since my husband and I are downsizing before we move to Norway next year, I will have to re organize all my papers and this looks like a good system for us.

  4. Great Marianne! That is a big move!


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